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Podcast: 'Let's Talk about Denmark'

On this site you can find more information on the podcast series 'Let's Talk About Denmark' that taps into topics like happiness, trust, welfare, and democracy.

Have you ever wondered why the Danes, once the notorious Vikings, are now one of the happiest, most trusting, most equal, and most democratic people in the world?

The podcast “Let's Talk about Denmark" takes a closer look at the Danes and the values of their welfare state and explores how happiness, trust, welfare, and democracy go hand in hand.

Listen to the podcast via Spotify or Apple Podcasts or explore the episodes below and get to know us Danes a little better.

Denmark is known to be one of the happiest countries in the world. This might seem peculiar considering the Danish grey winters and the reserved nature of the Danes. The first podcast episode looks at the underlying causes of why that is, and gives suggestions on how to raise the level of happiness.

Let's talk about Denmark Are Danes really that happy?

Nowhere in the world is the level of trust higher than in the Nordic countries. In Denmark, people leave their children sleeping outside in baby prams, lost wallets are returned with money inside, and a word is a word when doing business. The second episode explores why the level of social trust is so high in Denmark, and how trust is beneficial for people, society, and business.

Let's talk about denmark Are Danes too trustful?

The Danish welfare state ensures social benefits such as free education, medical care and subsidized childcare. University students get study grants, social benefits are available for people in need, and homelessness is rare. The third episode argues that welfare does not take away the incentive to work, and that high taxes go hand in hand with economic growth.

Let's talk about denmark Does Danish welfare make you lazy?

Denmark is one of the oldest democracies in the world. It stands on the values of equality, solidarity, individual freedom, and of the unspoken agreement that it is okay to disagree. The last episode of Let's Talk About Denmark explores how a flourishing democracy tends to correlate with high levels of trust, happiness and quality of life.

Let's talk about denmark Modern Danish democracy and the quality of life