Welcome to the official website of Denmark.
Once we were brutal Vikings. Now we are one of the world's most peaceful societies. Welcome to Denmark.
SOCIETY A nation of cyclists
Read moreIn Denmark, people bicycle in all types of weather and at all times of day. Bicycles are used for pleasure, commuting, transport of goods, and family travel. In the big cities in Denmark, it is often easier to commute by bike than by car.
Society Gender Equality - An incomplete success
Gender equality is a cornerstone of the Danish welfare state. When it comes to gender equality parameters, Denmark has been on the forefront for more than a hundred years. That said, Danish men still earn 12.7 per cent more than women. 15 per cent of the difference between men and women's wages cannot be explained.Read more -
Green thinking Pioneers in clean energy
Denmark loves clean, renewable energy. The wind production per capita exceeds that of any other OECD country. Moreover, bioenergy plays an important role in the Danish energy system.Read more -
Society Digitalisation in Denmark
Denmark is one of the world’s most digitalised countries. Most transactions are cashless, and almost all interaction with the Danish authorities takes place online.Read more
Let's go Green Together Denmark has high ambitions when it comes to the green transition. We hope you will join us.
working in denmark The Danish work-life balance
Danes are some of Europe's most efficient workers - but they do not just live to work. Maintaining a good balance between time on the job and personal life is important to them, and employers respect this.03.02.2025Read more -
Innovation Innovative for more than a thousand years
The Danish Vikings were great innovators and engineers, and the spirit of innovation is still alive in Denmark. In areas like food and agriculture, environmental science, pharmaceuticals and biomedicine, Denmark is producing world-leading discoveries.03.07.2018Read more